Seeking the Sacred

Continually seeking God brings us an awareness of the sacred in all we see.


A Lesson From the Geese

I love it when my mornings start with simple joys. On the road to church this morning I saw a flock of Canadian geese crossing the road on foot. I’ve seen mallards (usually in threes) cross the road, raccoons carrying their young cross during the twilight hours, and I’ve even had a nanny goat block my car from passing in Ireland. That was the first time I’ve seen a flock of Canadian geese though.

That sight that brought a giggle to my soul made me realize even though we may have wings for soaring (or in our case wheels to whisk us from place to place), sometimes feeling the earth beneath our feet is one of the best ways to experience life. Reminds me of the line from that Simon and Garfunkel song that says “Slow down you move too fast. Got to make the morning last.”

Unfortunately, I didn’t have my camera with me to document the geese but here’s a photo of the goat in Ireland with her head in my car window. Don’t you just love being blessed by the unexpected joys in the world?


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